“It appears there are guards that have been commissioned by a higher authority to arrest any forward progress in a person’s life beyond the person’s level of belief. These guards take their marching orders from the belief system itself, which is governed by natural laws of the universe. There is no growth beyond the beliefs that are held. If a person attempts to accomplish something beyond their level of belief, the mind will quickly and automatically create ideas or reasons justifying why it cannot be done, and those ideas will continue to flow until the project is abandoned. On the other hand, when a person or group believes something can be done the mind will automatically begin creating ideas that will pave the path to accomplishment. The great secret of progress then lies in Belief.”
Apex Total Transformational was formed in May 2021. After our founder Gillis had taken a leap of faith and move to Lubbock, TX where her business partners in another company live. She risked everything her marriage, her lively hood, leaving behind her support system for a dream of helping the world heal. After months of working with her old partners Gillis came to realize (after a friend asked her “why don’t you just build your own company?”) that she needed to leave the partnership and create her own company. With her dream to help others discover and become the man or women God created them to be Gillis took another leap of faith and left her company of 4+ years to start over. It was then that Apex Total Transformation was born. Shortly afterwards our founder came to realize that we can only do so much on our own and in fact if we are left to ourselves, we will ultimately condemn ourselves.
Gillis also discovered personal development can be a great tool but only when used correctly, but when used incorrectly can give individuals the illusion of it being right/good but can be the very thing that is condemning them.
“He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.” (2 Thessalonians 2:9)
This is why Gillis came up with a philosophy for her company. That is in order to live a truly happy, wealthy, healthy, prosperous life one must focus on three areas of their life. That being your relationships, your health, & of course your wealth in that order.
Discover Self Love
Develop Compassion
Deepen your Love
Increase Your Ability to Understand
Grow to a New You!
Increase sales
Gain the freedom to enjoy it
Importance of MSI’s
Generate more with less
Build a Secure Future!
Cultivate Healthy Relationships
Discover Self Love
Increase Your Passion
Deepen Your Understanding of Others
Grow to a New You!
Most Important Start with Relationship in Three Vital Areas
We believe in starting with one’s relationship with God. You see without relationship with God one will make their life all about themselves for self-glorification, ego focused selfish ways. When in truth we believe that life is meant to be all about service. Service to God and the helping of others. You see, we all have these beautiful gifts God gave us to share with the world to show others what’s possible and remind the world of the giver who gives all. When you develop your relationship with God you discover not just who you are but what your purpose is in this short lifetime here on Earth.
Then comes relationships with others. When you no longer feel empty inside or have hatred in your heart about the lies you accepted you can then establish and deepen your connection and relationship with those around you. You begin to live expressing the Golden rule. “So in everything, do to others what you would have them to you.” (Matthew 7:12) Another way we like to look at it is leaving everyone with the impression of increase. You finally no longer feel the need to hide behind an invisible wall protecting your heart from harm you can love and be loved fully.
Lastly, comes your relationship with yourself. (Self-Image) Once you have built your relationship with God you then begin knowing who you are and finally stop believing the lies that you accepted prior to be true. When working on your relationship with yourself you will learn how to actually love yourself and know yourself and for most for the first time. This affects your confidence, your courage, yourself discipline, ultimately every area of your life.
Your Health
We believe your body is one of the greatest gifts we have been given and sadly when you look around the world you will see how badly we take care of it. You see we may not be our body, but it is what we live in during this part of our journey. If we don’t take care of health, it is an outward expression of how who you believe yourself to be. You may not believe it consciously but sub-consciously your health is ultimately an expression of your internal beliefs. The exciting part is God gave us the ability to change these beliefs therefore change our life entirely. Giving us more vitality, energy, joy, better skin, longevity, etc.
Your Wealth
Law of compensation states that you will be compensated by these three things…
- The need for what you do.
- Your ability to do it.
- The difficulty there is in replacing you.
Therefore, the more value you give and bring to the world the more you will be compensated in accordance. However, what most people don’t understand about this is how our beliefs can and will affect your results by either aiding you or preventing you from them.
“Since working with Gillis my belief in what is actually possible for me in this lifetime has completely changed. I had so many barriers, blocks and false beliefs embedded in my subconscious mind that were hindering my progress, which I did not even know existed until I started taking her classes. The style in which she teaches integrates her knowledge…
Thanks to Gillis and her teaching through the APEX program, I am having more success in my business as well as my personal life. In May 2021, after several classes with Gillis, I exceeded a financial monthly goal and made more than I have in 7 1/2 years. I have learned that there cannot be growth past the belief system which I hold.
Thank you Gillis you have been an amazing mentor/coach. You have helped me change my mindset and helped me change my belief. I’ve reached one of my biggest goals and one of my biggest dreams. My business (body shop)came from a 6000 sq ft building with no office, no lobby, no paint booth or frame machine to now a 20,000 sq ft building…
“Since working with Gillis my life has changed so much. I used to be the person who gave away my time and energy to everyone else and was left feeling exhausted. Now I have so much more energy and time to accomplish my goals. My perception has changed a lot on how I view the world and things I previously pushed away are now opportunities…
“I am so grateful to Gillis for introducing me to the Apex program and for her guidance and teaching of it. I am learning just how much of my life I have lived on “auto-pilot thinking” and letting the world around me as well as my circumstances do my thinking for me. The Apex program has opened up a whole new world to me at the age of 72…
“Change your thinking…change your life! These are words we’ve heard off and on most of our lives. Thanks to Gillis’s skillful teaching and understanding of the Apex Lifestyle program, these wise words are finally coming into clarity for me! Through the skillfully laid-out Apex Program, I now understand where my lifelong beliefs came from, and how to get rid of the non-helpful negative ones…
“The Apex Breakthrough has been such an eye-opener for me. Gillis is amazing at making you dig deep into yourself to really find out who you are and help you get out of your rut and be the person God intended you to be. She’s brilliant! And has such a way with words. You can tell she truly wants each of us to grow daily. I look forward to her zoom calls every week because I get so much out of them…
As a child, Gillis Bratsch was naturally drawn to exploring human potential. She has always had a love and passion for helping others. Anytime she would see someone who was left out or bullied she would stand up for them. Throughout her life, Gillis instinctively set goals and challenged herself to achieve them. As a result, she broke dozens of school fitness records and was even awarded the most physically fit – out of males and females – in her boot camp graduating class.
As a member of the United States Coast Guard, Gillis became a strength and conditioning instructor specializing in helping recruits overcome their fear of water and push past their physical limits. It was this job that led her to study more deeply the power of the mind. Her understanding of the material is not simply theoretical. She knows it works because she’s used it to lead over 800 recruits to develop their skills to graduate on time, as well as more recently help her some of her clients triple their results after just 4 of her consulting classes.
After the military, Gillis continued to study books and attend lectures. Through her research she discovered Bob Proctor and decided to attend his elite, week-long Matrixx event. By utilizing the program in which she now teaches, Gillis was able to come up with $30K in less than four months when she was on track to only make $30K that year and was able to pay in full for the event. This information was so powerful that just two months after the event Gillis generated her first 6 figures.
To complement the knowledge, she gained from master thinkers like her late mentor Bob Proctor, Earl Nightingale, and many others who spent their entire life researching and studying success and human conditioning, Gillis decided to study psychology at Naropa University and graduated with her bachelor’s degree in 2020.
She has been teaching the tenets of her programs and utilizing all its varied sources of knowledge for over 6 years now.
Through her work, Gillis empowers others to step into the man or woman God created them to be. Unlocking their ability to see who they truly are, showing them how to set and achieve any goal they desire, and live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life. She has now worked with and helped 100’s of people make quantum leaps in their life and business.